Hayes township, Charlevoix County, MI

County Subdivision in: Charlevoix County, MI, Michigan, United States 1,861 Population 30.1 square miles 61.8 people per square mile

Demographics Age

Median age
about the same as the figure in Charlevoix County: 47.3
about 20 percent higher than the figure in Michigan: 39.5




Per capita income
about 20 percent higher than the amount in Charlevoix County: $29,581
about 25 percent higher than the amount in Michigan: $27,549


Median household income
about 20 percent higher than the amount in Charlevoix County: $48,603
about 10 percent higher than the amount in Michigan: $50,803



Persons below poverty line
about three-fifths of the rate in Charlevoix County: 12.5% †
about half the rate in Michigan: 16.3%

Transportation to work

23.4 minutes

Mean travel time to work
about 20 percent higher than the figure in Charlevoix County: 20.2
a little less than the figure in Michigan: 24.3



Number of households
Charlevoix County: 11,043
Michigan: 3,860,394

2.5 Persons per household
a little higher than the figure in Charlevoix County: 2.3
about the same as the figure in Michigan: 2.5


Women 15-50 who gave birth during past year

about 1.5 times the rate in Charlevoix County: 4.7% †
about 1.4 times the rate in Michigan: 5.2%

Marital status


about 1.5 times the rate in Charlevoix County: 4.7% †
about 1.4 times the rate in Michigan: 5.2%


Units & Occupancy


Number of housing units
Charlevoix County: 17,414
Michigan: 4,544,920