Hayes Township Park Camp Sea-Gull is located in Hayes Township along the north shore of Lake Charlevoix. Once a privately owned summer camp, the park was acquired by Hayes Township in 2014 with the assistance of a DNR Trust Fund Grant. This report outlines the planning process and proposed projects for future conversion of the park for public use.

July 2019

The Beckett & Raeder team has reviewed the following documents associated with the project:
– Hayes Township Park Infrastructure Construction Phase I, Addendum No. 1, dated
February 8, 2018, prepared by Performance Engineering, Inc.
– Geotechnical Investigation Report, dated May 2014, prepared by Otwell Mawby
Geotechnical, P.C.
– Final Report: Analysis and Recommendations for the Camp Sea Gull Rock Wall, dated
July 12, 2019, prepared by GeoEngineering North, LLC.

Download (PDF, 4.96MB)


Overall Phase One Boat Launch Plan

main boat and pier



Enlarged View of the Boat Launch Plan

close up of boat and pier


Bid Sheets Tabs

Download (PDF, 53KB)

Alternative 1 Detail Bid Tabs

Download (PDF, 448KB)

Tentative Construction Schedule

Download (PDF, 52KB)



Published on: Mar 11, 2018

Camp Seagull Project Review
Cash flow review for the boat launch and fishing pier project.

Download (PDF, 262KB)


Published on: Feb 13, 2018

Hayes Township Awarded $15,000 Park Grant From Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa & Chippewa Indians

Our Township has been awarded a 2% grant from the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa & Chippewa Indians (GTB) in the amount of $15,000 for the construction of a boat launch and fishing pier on Lake Charlevoix.

The Tribal Council of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians will be hosting a check presentation/media Event on February 20th at the Grand Traverse Resort, 1 7 FL, Acme, Michigan.

The complete document can be view/download here.


Published on: Feb 27, 2018

Addendum 4 to the Phase1 park bid process.

Download (PDF, 7KB)


Published on: Feb 6, 2018

(At the Site Formerly Known as “Camp Sea-Gull”)

Contract No.  10-4130
Sealed Proposals will be received by the Hayes Township (Owner) at the office of the Township Clerk, Hayes Township Hall, 9195 Old US 31 North, Charlevoix, MI  49720, until 11:00 A.M., prevailing local time on February 26, 2018 and then publicly opened and read aloud, for the construction of the above referenced project.

The work generally consists of the construction of a new road entrance, road system, parking lots, fishing pier, rain gardens, and boat ramp. There is also to be a self-contained restroom facility supplied along with a boater’s skid dock.  The project includes approximately, 2,700 LFT of asphalt surfaced roadway, over 600 LFT of curb and gutter, 420 LFT of new PVC water main, approximately 1600 SFT of sheet pile, 2160 SFT of 8” concrete boat ramp, 2100 LFT of 2” conduit, 500 LFT of 3” PVC sewer main, some concrete sidewalks, over 9000 SFT of retaining walls, and grass surfaces to complete the construction.   The anticipated construction schedule for this project is from March 1, 2018 through October 1, 2018.

The drawings and specifications under which the work is to be done will be available by February 7, 2018 and may be examined at the Office of the Township Clerk, Hayes Township Hall, 9195 Old US 31 North, Charlevoix, MI  49720, phone (231)547-6961, and at the office of Performance Engineers, Inc., located at 406 Petoskey Avenue, in Charlevoix, Michigan 49720, phone (231)547-2121.

Drawings and Specifications may be obtained from Performance Engineers by submitting a non-refundable fee of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per set.  The purchaser must supply the telephone number, fax number, and street address of the individual or firm to whom addenda (if any) can be directed.

A certified check or bidder’s bond for a sum not less than five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid will be required with each proposal.

The right is reserved by the Owner to accept any Proposal, to reject any Proposal, and to waive irregularities in Proposals.

No bids may be withdrawn after the above date and time for receiving bids for a period of thirty (30) days.


PDF version


Published on: Nov 3, 2017

Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Facts
During Octobers 9th Board Meeting, the board provided a fact sheet packet to the public,  “Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund”  in regards to the boat launch for Park Camp Sea-Gull.

Download (PDF, 2.42MB)


Published on: Sep 15, 2017

$5,000 grant for pedestrian walkways to park fishing pier Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians Grant 2% Award to Charlevoix County Hayes Township

Charlevoix County’s Hayes Township was awarded grant funds from the 2% Award of the Grand Traverse Band (GTB) of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians from the first half of the 2017 grant cycle. The grant of $5,000 will be used to construct pedestrian walkways leading to the fishing pier to be constructed at Hayes Township Park Camp Sea-Gull on the north shore of Lake Charlevoix.

The 2% Award is a condition of the consent decree settling Tribes vs Engler. Under the decree, the GTB of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians agreed to pay 2% of its video gaming revenue to local units of government for deserving community projects. Since the 2% Awards began in 1994, the GTB has donated millions of dollars to hundreds of local projects.


Published on: Jul 27, 2017

Great Lakes Energy People Fund Grant Awarded to
Hayes Township Park Camp Sea-Gull
Charlevoix County’s Hayes Township was awarded a grant from the Directors of the Great Lakes Energy People Fund for $10,000. The grant money will be used to construct rain gardens at Hayes Township Park Camp Sea-Gull on the north shore of Lake Charlevoix. The purpose of the rain gardens is to protect the water quality of Lake Charlevoix.

The Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council defines a rain garden as a “planted depression that receives and absorbs rain and snowmelt runoff, also known as stormwater, from impervious surfaces like roofs, driveways, walkways, parking lots, and compacted lawn areas. Rain gardens help filter out pollutants such as lawn fertilizers and pesticides, oil and other fluids from cars and machinery, and debris and litter. Rain gardens are a very effective and low cost way to protect water quality.”

The extensive rain gardens will catch and retain stormwater from the access road, boat launch, fishing pier access pathway and parking lot thus preventing stormwater from reaching Lake Charlevoix. The rain gardens were specifically designed by Site Planning Development, Inc. to catch, retain and filter the stormwater. After being filtered through the soil and plants in the rain gardens, the water will percolate into the groundwater.

The People Fund is a program of Great Lakes Energy in which customers “round up” their electric bills to the nearest dollar. The People Fund monies are then awarded to non-profit organizations and charitable activities for community projects in the Great Lakes Energy service area. Hayes Township residents, many of whom receive their electricity from Great Lakes Energy, are encouraged to sign up to participate in the People Fund program.


Published on: Feb 14, 2017

Gaylord, Michigan

TAKE NOTICE that the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality’s (MDEQ) Water Resources Division (WRD) will hold a public hearing at the Hayes Township Hall, 09195 Old US 31 N, Charlevoix, MI., March 8, 2017, at 6 pm.

The purpose of this hearing is to secure the views of interested persons concerning the following application for permit:
Application for permit 2H0-5VWM-D7B4 under Part 301, Inland Lakes and Streams, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended (NREPA), by Hayes Township, 09195 Old US 31 N , Charlevoix, MI 49720.

The applicant proposes to construct a 125 foot long by 36 foot wide boat launch, with a 125 foot long, by 10 foot wide filled dock, with a 10 foot by 31.5 foot open pile dock with a 40 foot by 16 foot open pile platform into Lake Charlevoix for boating and fishing access.


Published on: Aug 26, 2016

Removal of the Camp Sea-Gull Cafeteria Building

Sealed Bids will be received by Hayes Township (Owner) at the office of the Township Clerk, 09195 Old US 31 North, Charlevoix, Michigan, 49720, until 12:00 P.M., prevailing local time on Tuesday, November 1, 2016, and then publicly opened and read aloud.

Scope of the Project:
Hayes Township wishes to remove the Camp Sea-Gull cafeteria building. The winning bidder must dismantle the building along with the deck and completely remove from the site, including all foundation materials. Site must be completely cleared of all debris and restored with topsoil, seed and mulch no later than June 1, 2017.

The building is 50’ x 100’ steel framed sitting on a masonry foundation with a slab on grade.

The building and site can be inspected on Friday, September 16, between Noon and 2:00 PM., or by appointment, call 231-547-6961.

Bidding documents may be obtained at the office of the Hayes Township Clerk. The Bidder must supply the telephone number, email, and street address of the individual or firm to whom addenda (if any) can be directed.

Each bidder shall be required to have the removal performed by fully insured, qualified, and licensed individuals and/or firms. Also all appropriate permits will be the responsibility of the bidder.

The right is reserved by the Owner to accept any Proposal, to reject any Proposal, and to waive irregularities in Proposals. The successful bidder will be required to provide a performance bond.

No bids may be withdrawn after the above date and time for receiving bids for a period of thirty (30) days.


March 15, 2015
Proposed Phase One for the Hayes Township Park Camp Sea-Gull boat launch

park map


PHASE1-OVERALL 3-10-15 pdf

Related costs


 3-10-2015 Funding Breakdown Camp Seagull Project pdf


October 2014
Hayes Township Park Camp Sea-Gull Master Plan

park map

Download this pdf file


September 2014
Hayes Township Park Camp Sea-Gull Conceptual Park Master Plans

Posted are only conceptual plans prepared by the consultants to garner input from you the public about the ideas. We will not be choosing one plan over the other but will use these concepts to come up with a final plan.

For a more detailed view (zoom in), download this pdf LAP-14019-PLAN_ConceptualDiagram.pdf

park map

park map




July 2014
Hayes Township Park Camp Sea-Gull Conceptual Park Master Plans

Posted are only conceptual plans prepared by the consultants to garner input from you the public about the ideas. We will not be choosing one plan over the other but will use these concepts to come up with a final plan.

park map

Download Concept 1 (5mb pdf file) Park Masterplan Concept 1

park map

Download Concept 2 (5mb pdf file) Park Masterplan Concept 2

park map

Download Concept 3 (5mb pdf file) Park Masterplan Concept 3



March 2014
Hayes Township Park Camp Sea-Gull Conceptual Boat Launch Plans

A Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant Application for a development grant for a boat launch and fishing pier at the Hayes Township Park, Camp Sea-Gull located on Lake Charlevoix.

Images of Conceptual boat launch plans

park map

Download PDF (opens in new window)
HayesTwp_CampSeagull_Conceptualz_BoatLaunchPlan (294kb)