
Waterfront Survey Summary

Waterfront Survey Summary
Since the 1990’s, Hayes Township has had regulations that pertain to waterfront property owners. To better understand the level of awareness that property owners have of these regulations and explore options for future consideration, the planning commission developed a survey for waterfront property owners and township residents in the winter/spring of 2017.

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Park Camp Sea-Gull Master Plan online

The Camp Sea-Gull Park Master Plan file is available on the Hayes Township web site page for viewing and/or downloading. This report outlines the planning process and proposed projects for future conversion of the park for public use.
Camp Sea-Gull is located in Hayes Township along the north shore of Lake Charlevoix. The park is near the Dunmaglas Golf Course and surrounded by large parcels of agricultural and forest land.
The Little Traverse Conservancy owns and maintains a nature reserve to the park’s north. 
Once a privately owned summer camp, the park was acquired by Hayes Township in 2014 with the assistance of a DNR Trust Fund Grant.