Hayes Township Camp Sea Gull is open

As the sign at the entrance of the park shares, it is open.  Our park hosts Greg and Becky have arrived and are there to answer questions guest may have.  The fishing pier is open, but for now the launch is only available for kayaks and canoes as no trailers can maneuver in the lower lot.

Please be safe and enjoy the beautiful outdoors responsibly.

Show us your fish!

We have reports of the fishing pier at Hayes Township Camp Seagull getting some Memorial Weekend traffic, and we would love to see your fish! It’s a beautiful time of year to enjoy the outdoors, and spending time on Lake Charlevoix fishing is a great way to enjoy the holiday.

Send us your fish pictures at treasurer@hayestownshipmi.gov and we will share them on our website.

Spring Clean Up

Spring Clean-Up Information

June 20th is our Hayes Township Spring Clean-up!  We have gotten quite a few questions from our residents.  Here are some guidelines to keep in mind as you prepare to bring your items to the curb before the pick-up.


Do not put out: electronics or old TV’s, shingles, any fluids, tires, concrete, bricks, or hazardous materials.

Can we put out mattresses?

Yes, but they can NOT be wet.  This makes them too heavy for the drivers to load.  Use your best judgement if you are putting old mattresses out.  They will NOT be picked up if they are wet.  Please limit this to 4 per household.

Will burn barrels be picked up?

Sure, as long as they are emptied of their debris, you can put them out.

Can I put an old couch out?  What about carpeting?

Yes, but it has to be cut into 3-foot sections.

Old carpet can be put out in bound 4 X 4 sections.

Can I put out an old appliance?

Yes.  If you are putting out an old fridge you must remove the freon first.


When in doubt, give us a call or e-mail with any questions.



Pantries Re-stocked!

Our little pantries have been getting a lot of use lately.

They were filled over the weekend and by Monday they were both pretty bare.

Thanks to very generous donations from the Mills family and several anonymous donors, we have been able to restock both of them with extra to refill as things are claimed.

So fortunate to be in this beautiful and kind community.

June 2020 BOT

Hayes Township June 2020 BOT

Time: Jun 8, 2020 7:00 PM

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